During this Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic a wide range of medical services are being made available as a telehealth service. This will enable health services to continue to be delivered, but in a safe format, that enables the vital approach of social distancing and self isolation to be maintained.
Telehealth services are now available at the Stirk Medical Group and appointments for these services can be made by telephoning the practice, in the normal way, or by booking on HotDoc.
- As part of this telehealth consultation, your doctor will still be able to write prescriptions, do pathology request forms, do referral letters and write Medical Certificates. Some of these documents will be available for collection at the practice, but prescriptions can be forwarded to you pharmacist and Pathology forms can be forwarded to the Pathology collection centres at our Kalamunda Surgery and our Newburn Road Surgery.
- All telehealth services are BULK BILLED. This is part of a national approach to ensure that health services are available to all vulnerable patients and it is part of our practice commitment to the people of our local community.
- FACE to FACE Consultations. As part of the telehealth consultation, your doctor may decide that it is still important to have a physical examination and be assessed in a face to face consultation. The GP will arrange this with you and the consultation will happen in a safe environment for both you and the practice staff. We have arranged and organised to have Respiratory Clinics for those patients who are at heightened risk of a Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.
By offering comprehensive telehealth consultations, this will reduce the number of patients that need to come in to the surgery and sit in the waiting room. This will enable the practice to maintain social distancing and ensure that your health care is delivered in a safe manner. - If you have any symptoms that are suggestive of a flu or a cold, particularly if you have a cough and fever, please DO NOT come directly to the surgery. Please make arrangements for a telehealth consultation.
By introducing these new measures; Telehealth Consults and Respiratory Clinics, and by taking these precautions, we can ensure that we offer services in a safe and efficient manner.
At present Telehealth Consultations will primarily be during normal office hours, ie not at the weekends. They will also be predominantly via telephone, rather than visual media such as Skype. But, as the situation develops and the service initial “bugs” get ironed out, we will be reviewing the best way to offer this important service.